* The 10:00am and 12:00pm services are also available as a live online broadcast.
203 Wetzel way, Yreka
Join us on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm* for a rich and simple time of thru-the bible teaching.
Nursery and Kid's Church available through 4th grade. Jr. High Youth Group available for 5th - 8th graders.
Thursday's at 12noon, in the coffee house. A survey through Scripture. Equipping our men to teach.
Friday mornings at 9:00am, in the coffee house.
Friday nights 6-8pm, in the coffee house. This is a get-together for high-schoolers to learn and discuss the truths of the Bible while being encouraged to put what we know of God into practice.
Wednesday evenings from 6:45pm - 8:15pm 5th through 8th graders are invited to bring your Bible, be ready to learn and have a great time!
Thursday's at 7pm, in the Sanctuary. A time we take to gather together to pray for individuals, the church body, and needs globally.
Ladies Bible study 6:30pm, in the coffee house.
3rd Saturday of every month. A time of devotion with delicious food and great fellowship. In the coffee house.
Thursday's at 6-8pm, in the Coffee House. Anyone 18-25 A time to seek the Lord together, fellowship, and endever to put God first in our lives, growing in faith.