
There are many ways for you to serve our Siskiyou Christian Fellowship community. From volunteering in Kids Church, door keeping and maintenance work; we can provide an opportunity for you to use your gifts to serve others.

As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.


- 1 Peter 4:10







Opportunities to Serve

Select from the links above to learn more about the opportunities to serve at Siskiyou Christian Fellowship.

doorkeeper schedule

Many peoples first "encounter" with Christ was as a kid in Sunday school/kids church. The Lord has blessed many with the gift, ability, and passion to help raise the next generation of believers. Serving in the kids wing is a great way to serve, especially if you love singing songs and playing games! Here at SCF we realize how important it is to give our youth a solid foundation in the word, serving in kids church is a great way to help with that mission.

Kids Church

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At SCF our youth is important to us. Scripture tells us in Proverbs 22:6 to "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it". That is our goal with our youth, To train them up in the ways of the Lord according to his word. Serving in youth ministry is not only a blessing to the kids but it can be, and is a huge blessing to those who serve in youth ministry. Youth ministry is a very practical way to serve and its a blast!

Youth Ministry

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"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise."  - Psalm 98:4 

Praise and worship is not only a way that the Lord ministers to us greatly, but it is also an amazing way for us to minister to the Lord. God has blessed many with the gift of musical ability, if you have been blessed with that gift then serving in music ministry is for you!

Music Ministry

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Door keepers are an important part of any church service. Not only are you often the first smiling face people see and the first "Hello" they hear, but you are also a crucial part of a lot of the "behind the scenes" things that need to be done. in  Psalm 84:10 it says  "For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.". Being a door keeper is an amazing practical way to serve.

Door Keeping

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The Lord has blessed us here at SCF with a great facility, it is our duty to be good stewards of it. campus maintenance involves everything from mowing, and weed eating, to cleaning the bathrooms, and changing light bulbs. Its a good way to help serve especially if you like to be "behind the scene". Serving with campus maintenance is a necessity for nearly any church, its all the things that need to be done that no one really thinks about. if you are a hard worker, handy, or are just looking to serve, this could be the route for you!

Campus Maintenance

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 “You are the salt of the earth.... "- “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.  -Matthew 5:13-14

Jesus calls us to be the "salt and light" of the earth, and to show his love and light to others. At SCF not only do we love many types of community outreach, but we know the importance of it according to the calling that the Lord has put upon us. Community outreaches are truly such a blessing to be a part of and they are also a fantastic way to show the light of Christ in the community.

Community Outreach

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Are you interested in serving in a way not listed here? Please contact us to tell us more about the type of service opportunity you are interested in.

Other Opportunities


Who We Are

We are a congregation of believers who want to know this Jesus we teach about and strive to serve. We believe the Word of God contained in the 66 books of the Bible is the only infallible guide to knowing God and how we ought to respond to His love toward us. We aim to be a fellowship family that is loving, honest and truly helpful as we instruct one another in the things of God's Word. It is our earnest hope, as you join with us, that you learn of Jesus through a solid, tangible relationship with Him and the fellowship that we have would be centered around service to Our King and Rescuer: Jesus! 

If you have questions regarding our doctrinal stance on a specific matter, we would be glad to meet with you and search scripture together as we learn more of the magnificent salvation that has been freely offered to us! 

Our mission is simple. We are desiring to know Jesus!

Outreach & Missions

We endeavor to bring the light of Christ into our various communities and show the Hope that we have in Him.